Armed Forces Reserve Center
The Challenge
The Armed Forces Reserve Center requested six buildings that included a fitness center, offices, classrooms, an assembly hall, training space, and space for outdoor physical activity. The Federal government wanted to streamline construction and reduce costs while working with an aggressive schedule.
The Solution
As the lead design firm on this project, the Barge Design Solutions team used a “whole building” approach that asked members of the planning, design, and construction teams to look at materials, systems, and assemblies from different perspectives. Design charrettes allowed the team to work through adjustments in real time, employing value engineering during the process. Plans for the center were consolidated from six buildings to three, resulting in increased construction efficiency and decreased cost.
By the Numbers
The Barge Factor
Barge Design Solutions met the program goals of faster project execution with lower costs while leveraging industry standards, means, and methods. An integrated design strategy during the planning and design phases resulted in a collaborative strategy between the contractor team, client, and owner.