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Bay County Water Treatment Plant Operations Building Renovation

  • Florida
Architecture   /   Interior DesigN


The Challenge

The Bay County Water Treatment Plant (WTP) sustained significant damage due to Hurricane Michael. The WTP's historic landmark operations building was severely impacted, and restoring potable water service to the affected areas became a critical priority.

The Solution

Barge Design Solutions provided expertise in water system restoration, coordinating a team of experts to expedite recovery efforts. The team created maps to designate pressure zones and facilitate water service restoration. Additionally, Barge was contracted to renovate the operations building, including exterior hardening and interior improvements, while ensuring continued plant operations.

The Result

The entire potable water system was restored within 10 days of the hurricane, providing essential services to the affected communities. Barge Design Solutions established itself as a trusted resource for water system restoration. The renovation of the operations building will address the damages caused by the hurricane and allow the WTP to resume normal operations.

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