Smith Springs Elementary School
In 2019, Barge Design Solutions acquired Nashville-based Gould Turner Group (GTG). Read full article.
Smith Springs Elementary is one of Metro Nashville Public School’s newest elementary schools. The new build incorporates locally sourced materials. Additional features include lighting controls, high-efficiency windows, indigenous landscaping, and bioswales for filtering groundwater. Community meetings were conducted throughout the project to achieve continuity with a historically scenic area known for its nature and wildlife.
Smith Springs was designed to serve 800 students, from kindergarten through fourth grade. The building is located in a residential neighborhood, so construction factors such as noise, traffic, blasting, and construction work hours were considered to minimize impact on the neighborhood.
The Smith Springs project also required significant site work, such as clearing, grading for new drives and parking, and substantial underground utility work. The project achieved LEED Silver and was recognized with the 2016 Classroom Design Award.