City of Franklin Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan


The Challenge

The City of Franklin, Tennessee, wanted to develop a 10-year needs assessment master plan to guide the future of the parks and recreation system. The City’s population has grown dramatically since 2000, and parks and recreation facilities have not kept pace with the area’s growth, reducing the level of service to residents. With a projected 30% population increase by 2029, the City needed to develop a comprehensive master plan to guide a path forward for new and improved high-quality park and recreation facilities, including a multi-use trail system.


The Solution

Public outreach was a key first step to revealing important planning information from the community. A list of recommendations outlined changes to expand and improve 710 acres of parkland, green spaces, and trails throughout the city, with an emphasis placed on the historical significance of the land.

The master plan includes an implementation plan guided by the Parks Department’s vision and mission, and outlines goals and strategies while remaining flexible to adopt changing needs over time. An included Capital Improvement Plan identified potential funding sources and a “blueprint” for spending priorities to support the plan’s goals.

The Barge Factor

Barge Design Solutions’ strong relationship with the City and extensive portfolio in park master planning put the company in a great position to address Franklin’s needs and create a plan that enhances the community’s park system.

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